Amazon In Training

Only Superman owns more spandex.

This Week’s Weigh In…,

on September 24, 2011

I didn’t feel like attending my meeting this morning, but I went anyway. I was pretty sure I was up. I tracked everything, but I didn’t add up all the points for the last few days (a technique I use to discourage all-or-nothing thinking when I start to go “off plan”). Anyway, I was down 1.8!!!

My total loss since I started Weight Watchers is now exactly 8 lbs. Not bad for 5 weeks!

The meeting was about finding time to fit in weight loss (or just healthy living). I sure needed this- With my job, a three-year-old and a two month old I have a hard time fitting my goals in. Especially since the two month old is sensitive when I have dairy, so that limits a whole array of food I can eat on the quick.

This week I commit to:

* Prepare salad fixings on Sunday so I have a quick and healthy go to meal.
* Make up a big fruit salad on Sunday for snacks (having this on hand worked great last week).
* Have my gym clothes ready the night before so I can sneak in 3 AM runs this week.

Happy New Week!

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